About SBIM

Introduction to SBIM

As companies grow, the initial external capital usually provided by friends and family, and angel investors, is often not sufficient to sustain their capital requirements; yet these companies are not necessarily ready for a traditional listing. Founded in 2022, SBS has heritage in listing equity and debt securities of small and medium enterprise companies. It offers a world class trading facility for local and international investors looking to gain exposure to Nigeria and Africa’s economic growth. Small Business Investment Market, therefore, plays a vital role in the funding environment by bridging this gap for growing SME companies as they seek to develop their business through the use of external finance from capital markets. In addition to providing companies with access to capital, Small Business Stock Market is committed to supporting the growth of companies through specialized department and systems that supports growing companies by providing access to the right resources and capital to scale up and achieve their aspirations. Small Business Investment Market is a dedicated growth market for small and medium sized companies. Small Business Stock Market’s regulatory structure, tailored to the needs of growing companies, allows businesses to cost-effectively raise capital at admission and throughout their life on Small Capital Platform.

Why join the Small Business Investment Market: the growth market of Nigeria?

The decision to seek funding from public markets is an important step in the growth journey of a company. When considering taking this step, management teams should consider the following key benefits of an admission to a public market:

  • Access to capital for growth and further development at the time of admission and through further capital offerings
  • Opportunity for early-stage investors to realize some of their initial investment and help to broaden the shareholder base
  • An objective market value on the company’s business
  • Mechanism to encourage employees’ commitment and incentivise their long-term motivation and performance through more attractive share schemes
  • Increased ability to make acquisitions by using quoted shares as currency
  • Heightened public profile of the company, stemming from increased press coverage and analysts’ reports
  • Enhanced company status with customers and suppliers

In addition to these benefits that impact a company’s decision to join a public market, there are several additional reasons why SBS is consistently the public market of choice for growing companies.

Our Mission

Linking capital to opportunity to enhance stakeholder value.

Our Vision

To be the leading Market and the investment partner of choice through providing effecient investments and capital raising services in Africa and globally.

Our Core Values

  • Integrity
  • Excellence
  • Teamwork
  • Sustainability
  • Accountability


The SBS is very big on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and saw the importance in developing the Small Business Stock Market to drive the process of CSR.
